Scdl compensation management solved assignments


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Wage differentials are of following factors :-
Correct Answer
Difference in labour efficiency , Social esteem , Occupation
Your Answer
Occupation , Difference in labour efficiency , Social esteem

Select The Blank
*Question -
Life and Medical insurance or reimbursement of medical bills is considered as a part of ________.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Social security

Select The Blank
*Question -
Against the past practice of modest gradual increase applicable to all, with only marginal additional to the ________ performer.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Employees in the railways are entitled of payment of wages Act, 1936 who are drawing wages and salaries below :-
Correct Answer
Rs. 1600/- a month
Your Answer
Rs. 1600/- a month

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Due to the paucity of relevant data on wage differentials, it is possible to analyze in India :-
Correct Answer
Wage structure , Pay structure , Salary structure
Your Answer
Wage structure , Pay structure , Salary structure

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Any imbalance in input-output relation in any incentive payment scheme can result in :-
Correct Answer
Tension , Lower productivity , More absenteeism
Your Answer
Tension , Lower productivity , More absenteeism

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
In India, Group incentive plans face problems like :-
Correct Answer
High norms of standard work , Illiterate workforce , Numerous slabs in rate structure
Your Answer
High norms of standard work , Illiterate workforce , Numerous slabs in rate structure

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Differential piece rate system is based on :-
Correct Answer
Dual rates for different efficiency levels
Your Answer
Dual rates for different efficiency levels

Select The Blank
*Question -
In the history of Indian IT industry, the year 2001-2002 will be remembered as ________.
Correct Answer
Year of lay-offs
Your Answer
Year of lay-offs

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
The social structure of individual's life style is evident in the :-
Correct Answer
Urban society
Your Answer
Urban society

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Rate range can be developed in many ways, one usually adopted is :- Correct Answer
Wage curve
Your Answer
Performance curve

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Documents useful for the purpose of wage analysis are :-
Correct Answer
Wage sheets , Payroll , Accounting registers
Your Answer
Wage sheets , Payroll , Accounting registers

Select The Blank
*Question -
There are many methods that an alive ________ management can creatively develop for employees rendered redundant through little forethought.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Select The Blank
*Question -
In Taylor differential piece rate system, high piece rate is applicable if ________.
Correct Answer
Output is above standard
Your Answer
Output is above standard

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
For a normal adult the net intake of calories should be :-
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
In Compensation plans the following are taken into account :-
Correct Answer
Cost of production , Reduction in expenses , Profits made
Your Answer
Reduction in expenses , Profits made , Cost of production

*Question -
IT jobs still remain the best paying jobs in the country.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Basic compensation systems are :-
Correct Answer
Time rate system , Piece rate system
Your Answer
Time rate system , Piece rate system , Bonus

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Various enactments that are applicable to employees of organization are :-
Correct Answer
Payment of Gratuity Act , Payment of Bonus Act , Employee's Provident Fund & Misc. Provisions Act
Your Answer
Payment of Gratuity Act , Payment of Bonus Act , Employee's Provident Fund & Misc. Provisions Act

Select The Blank
*Question -
Piece workers come under ________ class of workers.
Correct Answer
Semi - skilled
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Minimum wages are not to be fixed in an industry which employs less then how many employees in the entire state?
Correct Answer
Your Answer

*Question -
Within the factory group promotion is important.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
In Payroll process, a Journal entry is treated as Control entry to :- Correct Answer
Book deductions effected during the month , Book expenses for the month on account of payroll , Make remittances to respective authorities
Your Answer
Give effect of unknown transactions in books of accounts , Book deductions effected during the month , Book expenses for the month on account of payroll

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Co-partnership system tries to :-
Correct Answer
Eliminate friction between capital and labour
Your Answer
Gives fixed share to workers

*Question -
Indirect labour cost forms a part of overheads.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Match The Following
Question Correct Answer
Your Answer
Top managers
Non-financial benefits
Non-financial benefits
Compensatory day-off

Select The Blank
*Question -
________ is that portion of Dearness Allowance which Government declares to be paid for all purposes.
Correct Answer
Dearness Pay
Your Answer
Dearness Pay

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
A good incentive scheme should have :-
Correct Answer
Elasticity , Parity , Less operational costs
Your Answer
Elasticity , Parity , Less operational costs

Select The Blank
*Question -
________ is the unique code allotted to each & every employee in the organization.
Correct Answer
Employee No.
Your Answer
Employee No.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Apart from salaries, IT employees are giving importance to :-
Correct Answer
Job content , Job security , Company image
Your Answer
Job security , Company image , Foreign trips

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Major components of compensation :-
Correct Answer
Salary , Basic salary , Consolidated salary
Your Answer
Salary , Basic salary , Consolidated salary

Match The Following
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Under E.S.I., employer's contribution
Under E.S.I. employee's contribution
Employee Pension Scheme is 8.33% of
Employer & Employee Contribution under E.P.F.

Select The Blank
*Question -
The wages of workers not present at the time of payment disbursement should be entered into ________.
Correct Answer
Undisbursed wage register
Your Answer
Undisbursed wage register

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Components of wage & salary are :-
Correct Answer
Basic wage , Overtime wage , Dearness allowance
Your Answer
Basic wage , Overtime wage , Dearness allowance

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Basic purpose of Wage and Salary administration is to establish and maintain an equitable :-
Correct Answer
Wage and Salary structure
Your Answer
Wage and Salary structure

*Question -
Performance standards & norms for incentive payments should be set up high for better results.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

*Question -
To maintain best manpower in the organization, Management Incentive Plan based on the individual performance is necessary.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Salient features of profit-sharing are :-
Correct Answer
Agreement is voluntary , Payment may be in cash / stock of future credits , Computation on the basis of some agreed formula
Your Answer
Agreement is voluntary , Payment may be in cash / stock of future credits , Remuneration on the basis of efficiency

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
In dotcom companies, there is :-
Correct Answer
Direct interaction with customers and client organizations , Reduction of capital cost , Huge no of employees
Your Answer
Direct interaction with customers and client organizations , Reduction of capital cost , Huge no of employees

Select The Blank
*Question -
________ had a decisive influence on the wage structure & wage level.
Correct Answer
Managerial attitude
Your Answer
Market focus

*Question -
Wage and salary administration should be controlled by some proper agency.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
The human relations are determined by :-
Correct Answer
Human attitudes
Your Answer
Human attitudes

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
If the ranking plan is used the grade consists of a specific number of :- Correct Answer
Your Answer

Select The Blank
*Question -
________ is a source document for preparation of wage sheet.
Correct Answer
Attendance Register
Your Answer
Attendance Register

*Question -
Contribution to the Provident Funds are made at certain rate or certain percentage of salary of employee, only by the Employer.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

*Question -
Incentive schemes should be installed right from beginning of production.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Time spent by same worker on various jobs is recorded on daily basis in :-
Correct Answer
Daily time sheet.
Your Answer
Job card.


Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
In Payroll process, Cost of Living Index provides the basis for calculating :-
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
In developmental phase, the dotcom companies concentrate on :- Correct Answer
Building brand
Your Answer
Building brand

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Indirect compensation mainly acts as :-
Correct Answer
Maintenance factor
Your Answer
Motivating factor

Select The Blank
*Question -
compensation should be ________ efficiency & result .
Correct Answer
Directly proportional
Your Answer
Directly proportional
*Question -
The expenditure on medical treatment and stay abroad will be exempt only to the extent permitted by :-
Correct Answer
Reserve Bank of India
Your Answer
State Government

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Extent of employees turnover depends upon :-
Correct Answer
Type of industry , Male to female ratio , Physical conditions within organisation
Your Answer
Type of industry , Male to female ratio , Physical conditions within organisation

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
At germination stage, to attract and retain talent, dotcom companies offer :
Correct Answer
Stock option
Your Answer
Stock option

*Question -
Wage & salary are also subject to a variety of legislation & in this context, compliance with existing legislative measure is very important.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Rate of crime is very high in :-
Correct Answer
Industrial towns , Industrial cities , Industrial districts
Your Answer
Industrial towns , Industrial cities , Industrial districts

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
The persons working in multinational companies occupying the higher positions in hierarchy enjoy :-
Correct Answer
Lavish life-style
Your Answer
Expensive life-style

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
When a dotcom company starts earning profits, promoters are focused on the launch of:-
Correct Answer
Your Answer
New business deals

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
For the valuation of rent free accommodation, 'Salary' includes :
Correct Answer
D A , Bonus , Education Allowance
Your Answer
Gratuity , D A , Bonus

*Question -
Provident fund is component of gross earnings.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Select The Blank
*Question -
________ are assured of a stable amount of money.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Select The Blank
*Question -
Generally, the strong & more powerful is the trade union, the ________ are the wages.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Travel & Tourism agencies is an example of :-
Correct Answer
Hospitality industries
Your Answer
Hospitality industries

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
In post IPO stage, dotcom company gives its employees :-
Correct Answer
Balanced total reward package
Your Answer
Stock options

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
In recent times, in addition to stock options, employees of dotcom companies are demanding :-
Correct Answer
Cash bonus
Your Answer
Cash bonus

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Dotcom companies were founded to go beyond :-
Correct Answer
Physical business
Your Answer
Physical business

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Salesmen are usually given incentives in the form of sales commission because of :-
Correct Answer
Unsupervised nature of most sales work , Tradition in the market , Assumption that incentives are needed to motivate salesman
Your Answer
Unsupervised nature of most sales work , Tradition in the market , Assumption that incentives are needed to motivate salesman

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Following are causes of idle time of labour pertaining to administration :-
Correct Answer
Poor management , Management policy
Your Answer
Failure of electricity. , Poor management , Management policy

*Question -
Incentive payments should be made at the end of fiscal year.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Source documents for preparations of wages are :-
Correct Answer
Daily time sheet , Weekly time sheet. , Attendance register.
Your Answer
Daily time sheet , Weekly time sheet. , Attendance register.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Incentive schemes suffer because of :-
Correct Answer
Tendency among workers to sacrifice quality for quantity , Rapid progress in technology , Disregard for safety regulations by workers
Your Answer
Tendency among workers to sacrifice quality for quantity , Rapid progress in technology , Disregard for safety regulations by workers

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Employees are paid incentives on 'Output' basis if :-
Correct Answer
Units of output can be measured , Direct relationship between employee efforts and quantity of output , Jobs are standardised
Your Answer
Units of output can be measured , Direct relationship between employee efforts and quantity of output , Jobs are standardised

*Question -
In piece rate & time rate combination, if payment is calculated on the basis of piece rate guaranteed and if number of pieces fall below the minimum wages guaranteed, he is paid by time rate (T).
Correct Answer
Your Answer

*Question -
Equal remuneration Act, 1976 discriminates on the ground of sex against women in the matter of employment.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
In metropolitan towns boys and girls are generally marring at the age of :-
Correct Answer
25 to 35
Your Answer
25 to 35

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
In high profit making organisation compensation paid is relatively:- Correct Answer
Your Answer

Select The Blank
*Question -
Gross Earnings - Deductions equals ________.
Correct Answer
Net Earnings
Your Answer
Net Earnings

Match The Following
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Bonus to top management
Overall corporate results
Overall corporate results
Time' incentive plan
Delays in work are frequent
Unsupervised nature of job
Output' Incentive plan
Units of output are measurable
Units of output are measurable
Commission' to salesmen
Unsupervised nature of job
Group incentive

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
If the employment is merely incidental to the exercise of a profession, the gains from such employment would be :-
Correct Answer
Professional earnings
Your Answer
Professional earnings

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Which of the following are used to compensate major executives? Correct Answer
Straight salaries , Bonuses , Profit sharing
Your Answer
Straight salaries , Bonuses , Profit sharing

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Article 43 reads: State shall endeavour to secure by suitable legislation to all :-
Correct Answer
Agricultural workers , Industrial , Working in a living wage
Your Answer
Agricultural workers , Industrial , Working in a living wage

Select The Blank
*Question -
________ cost do not vary much in proportion to output or volume of production.
Correct Answer
Direct Labour
Your Answer
Direct Labour

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
The characteristics of profit sharing plan are :-
Correct Answer
Profits are payable at long intervals , Payments to employees are uncertain , Payment is regarded sometimes as windfall gain
Your Answer
Profits are payable at long intervals , Payments to employees are uncertain , Payment is regarded sometimes as windfall gain

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Broad groups may be illustrated within manufacturing as :-
Correct Answer
Managerial , Clerical , Factory
Your Answer
Managerial , Clerical , Factory

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Wages of security men in a production unit comes under :-
Correct Answer
Indirect labour
Your Answer
Indirect expenses

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Wage Policy is of great concern to :-
Correct Answer
Labour Management & Govt.
Your Answer
Labour Management & Govt.

Select The Blank
*Question -
After deducting depreciation and initial or development rebate from profit, we arrive at ________.
Correct Answer
Surplus profit
Your Answer
Surplus profit

*Question -
Education expenses on employee's family members paid or reimbursed by the employer are not taxable.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Select The Blank
*Question -
Casual workers comes under ________ class of workers.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Select The Blank
*Question -
Employee's State Insurance Act, ________ is a pioneering measure in the field of social insurance of our country.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Select The Blank
*Question -
________ are also aid to executives a certain percentage of the profits.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

*Question -
Trade unions do affect rate of wages.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
In the 60's salaries of Bargainable workers increased due to :-
Correct Answer
Success of Union
Your Answer
Success of Union

Match The Following
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Merric's multiple piece rate plan
Low piece rate for slow workers and high piece rate for higher production
Payment for time saved
Emerson efficiency plan
Gradual increase in remuneration based on efficiency
Gradual increase in remuneration based on efficiency
Co-partnership system
Sharing profits undertaking
Sharing profits undertaking
Taylor's differential piece-rate plan
No fear of wage cut
Low piece rate for slow workers and high piece rate for higher production

Multiple Choice Single Answer

onday, February 4, 2008

Compensation Management - 1

Select The Blank
*Question -
________ is that portion of Dearness Allowance which Government declares to be paid for all purposes.
Correct Answer
Dearness Pay
Your Answer
P F contribution

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Differential piece rate system is suitable where :-
Correct Answer
Fixed costs are higher in proportion to veriable cost , It is possible to count production accurately , There are standardised methods of production
Your Answer
Fixed costs are higher in proportion to veriable cost , It is possible to count production accurately , There are standardised methods of production

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
The aim of a wage & salary policy is :-
Correct Answer
To recognize the value of each job , Provide stability in earning
Your Answer
To recognize the value of each job , Provide stability in earning , Allow individual to reach partial earning potential

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
The total of direct material, direct labour, direct expenses is called :- Correct Answer
Prime cost
Your Answer
Prime cost

*Question -
E.S.I. Act does make a distinction between technical and non-technical employees.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Select The Blank
*Question -
Wages have at least ________ connotations from stand points of employers and employees.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
In graduated time rates system, if basic salary is Rs.2000 and dearness allowance is 150% then total remuneration will be :-
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer *Question -
Following is method of time booking :- Correct Answer
Daily time sheet.
Your Answer
Time recording clock.

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Work study department is engaged in activities like determining :- Correct Answer
Standard procedure
Your Answer
Standard procedure

Select The Blank
*Question -
Cost of employee welfare activities comes under ________ cost.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Direct labour

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Advantage of maintaining hand written register for attendance is :- Correct Answer
Easy to operate.
Your Answer
Easy to operate.

*Question -
Wage & salary are also subject to a variety of legislation & in this context, compliance with existing legislative measure is very important.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Select The Blank
*Question -
In Taylor differential piece rate system, high piece rate is applicable if ________.
Correct Answer
Output is above standard
Your Answer
Output is above standard

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
The expenditure on medical treatment and stay abroad will be exempt only to the extent permitted by :-
Correct Answer
Reserve Bank of India
Your Answer
State Government

*Question -
Taylor differential piece rate system is difficult to understand and implement.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Apart from salaries, IT employees are giving importance to :-
Correct Answer
Job content , Job security , Company image
Your Answer
Job content , Job security , Company image

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Following are causes of idle time of labour pertaining to production,
Correct Answer
Failure of electricity. , Breakdown of machinery
Your Answer
Failure of electricity. , Seasonal nature of demand. , Breakdown of machinery

*Question -
The payment of profit sharing plan is of uncertain nature because of uncertainty of profits to the company.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

*Question -
Indirect labour cost are distributed on a basis of suitable proportion.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
In Compensation plans the following are taken into account :-
Correct Answer
Cost of production , Reduction in expenses , Profits made
Your Answer
Cost of production , Reduction in expenses , Profits made , Losses incurred

Select The Blank
*Question -
In Gantt task plan of compensation, if output is below standard, then worker gets payment as per ________.
Correct Answer
Time rate
Your Answer
Time rate

Select The Blank
*Question -
________ generated out of payroll system shows amounts of debits and credits.
Correct Answer
Journal entry
Your Answer
Journal entry

*Question -
If an employee pays fees for attending some management course, the fees can be allowed for deduction from salary income.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Jobs are graded according to the relative skill :-
Correct Answer
Effort , Responsibility , Calculations
Your Answer
Effort , Responsibility , Calculations

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
In recent times, in addition to stock options, employees of dotcom companies are demanding :-
Correct Answer
Cash bonus
Your Answer
Annual increments

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
The characteristics of profit sharing plan are :-
Correct Answer
Profits are payable at long intervals , Payments to employees are uncertain , Payment is regarded sometimes as windfall gain
Your Answer
Profits are payable at long intervals , Payments to employees are uncertain , Payment is based on merit

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Following are the forms of the cost of replacement :-
Correct Answer
Cost of advertisement for recruitment , Cost of conducting interviews , Cost of interruption in production
Your Answer
Cost of advertisement for recruitment , Cost of conducting interviews , Cost of retirement benefits

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Towns are getting converted into cities and cities into :-
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Aggregate costs change, if there is change in volume of output in case of :-
Correct Answer
Marginal cost
Your Answer
Standard costing

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
For designing profit sharing plan, the company has to first :-
Correct Answer
Determine organisation's profit for year
Your Answer
Determine organisation's profit for year

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
Cost of labour minute operation is available from :-
Correct Answer
Job cards.
Your Answer
Time study sheet.

Select The Blank
*Question -
Life and Medical insurance or reimbursement of medical bills is considered as a part of ________.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
For adequate and effective internal check on disbursement of wages, these factors are important :-
Correct Answer
Proper time recording , Proper record of output by workers , Well-defined terms of remuneration and incentive schemes
Your Answer
Proper time recording , Proper record of output by workers , Proper knowledge of workers language

Match The Following
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Wage Differentials
Three categories
Mathematical tables
Elements of good Wage Plan
Three categories

*Question -
Any other amenity or service excluded from the computation of wages by a general or special order of appropriate Govt.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Select The Blank
*Question -
There are ________ basic traditional system of job evaluation.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Select The Blank
*Question -
The scanlon plan of profit sharing gives utmost importance to ________.
Correct Answer
Employee participation
Your Answer
Employee participation

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Group incentive plans may not become successful due to :-
Correct Answer
Unevenness of performance of different members of groups , Ill-feeling among group members , No recognition for individual performance
Your Answer
Unevenness of performance of different members of groups , Ill-feeling among group members , Unstable group production levels

Select The Blank
*Question -
________ is a source document for preparation of wage sheet.
Correct Answer
Attendance Register
Your Answer
Attendance Register

*Question -
Incentive schemes should be installed right from beginning of production.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

*Question -
Performance standards & norms for incentive payments should be set up high for better results.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer
*Question -
In post IPO stage, dotcom company gives its employees :-
Correct Answer
Balanced total reward package
Your Answer
Balanced total reward package

Select The Blank
*Question -
After deducting depreciation and initial or development rebate from profit, we arrive at ________.
Correct Answer
Surplus profit
Your Answer
Surplus profit

Match The Following
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Bonus to top management
Overall corporate results
Overall corporate results
Time' incentive plan
Delays in work are frequent
Technological advancement
Output' Incentive plan
Units of output are measurable
Units of output are measurable
Commission' to salesmen
Unsupervised nature of job
Unsupervised nature of job

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Job analysis describes :-
Correct Answer
Duties , Responsibilities , Working conditions
Your Answer
Duties , Responsibilities , Working conditions

*Question -
Surprise check on calculation & disbursement of payments is necessary to avoid any fraud.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
*Question -
Time rate systems are :-
Correct Answer
Ordinary level , High wage level , Graduated time rates
Your Answer
Ordinary level , High wage level , Graduated time rates